- とっさの機転{きてん}で
using one's brains quickly 意味
- "using make-up"の英語
- "using more kana than characters"の英語
- "using new technology"の英語
- "using one's arm for a pillow"の英語
- "using one's arms as a pillow"の英語
- "using one's elbows as a pillow"の英語
- "using one's experience from the past"の英語
- "using only hands"の英語
- "using road or rail transport"の英語
- "using one's arm for a pillow"の英語
- "using one's arms as a pillow"の英語
- "using one's elbows as a pillow"の英語
- "using one's experience from the past"の英語